All streaming or static content ©2009 Royce E. Campbell, except as noted.

This presentation is for entertainment purposes only, and as such is not available for commercial use. Such use of this presentation or any part thereof is a violation of applicable copyright laws. Copyrights of all video formats used in this presentation, all logos and any other representations are and remain the property of their respective owners, and are used with permission. If you own the copyright to any item employed in this presentation and would like it removed, you may contact us HERE.

The current video/audio quality of this presentation is NOT satisfactory (especially in Full-Screen mode). When I have it fixed, this paragraph will disappear! Thanks for your indulgence!

You must have the latest version of Windows Media Player (or Quicktime) installed in your computer to view this video. If the stream does not start automatically after a few seconds, your browser may not be set up to receive streaming video. Try the 'restart' button, and if the show has not started within a few seconds, hit the 'play' button. If the show still does not start, you may need to configure your browser to accept streaming activeX controls.

NUDGE will jump you 20 seconds either forward or back.

To return from fullscreen view, either double-click the video, or right-click the display, and you should get a menu choice to exit fullscreen.
